domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010

A verdadeira oração requer disciplina

Os pido que miréis vuestros corazones cada día para encontrar la fuente del verdadero amor. Jesús está siempre allí, esperando serenamente que permanezcamos junto a Él y escuchemos su voz. En lo profundo de vuestro corazón, os llama a dedicarle tiempo en la oración.
Pero este tipo de oración, la verdadera oración, requiere disciplina; requiere buscar momentos de silencio cada día. A menudo significa esperar a que el Señor hable. Incluso en medio del "ajetreo" y las presiones de nuestra vida cotidiana, necesitamos espacios de silencio, porque en el silencio encontramos a Dios, y en el silencio descubrimos nuestro verdadero ser. Y al descubrir nuestro verdadero yo, descubrimos la vocación particular a la cual Dios nos llama para la edificación de su Iglesia y la redención de nuestro mundo
Sin la vida de oración, sin la transformación interior que se lleva a cabo a través de la gracia de los sacramentos, no podemos, en palabras de Newman, "irradiar a Cristo"; nos convertimos en otros “platillos que aturden” (1 Co 13,1) en un mundo lleno de creciente ruido y confusión, lleno de falsos caminos que sólo conducen a angustias y espejismos.

Cristo chama-nos ao Amor de Deus

La Beata Teresa de Calcuta, la gran misionera de la Caridad, nos recordó que dar amor, amor puro y generoso, es el fruto de una decisión diaria. Cada día hemos de optar por amar, y esto requiere ayuda, la ayuda que viene de Cristo, de la oración y de la sabiduría que se encuentra en su palabra, y de la gracia que Él nos otorga en los sacramentos de su Iglesia.

sexta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2010

O Papa convida à santidade

Dios quiere vuestra amistad. Y cuando comenzáis a ser amigos de Dios, todo en la vida empieza a cambiar. A medida que lo vais conociendo mejor, percibís el deseo de reflejar algo de su infinita bondad en vuestra propia vida. Os atrae la práctica de las virtudes. Comenzáis a ver la avaricia y el egoísmo y tantos otros pecados como lo que realmente son, tendencias destructivas y peligrosas que causan profundo sufrimiento y un gran daño, y deseáis evitar caer en esas trampas. Empezáis a sentir compasión por la gente con dificultades y ansiáis hacer algo por ayudarles. Queréis prestar ayuda a los pobres y hambrientos, consolar a los tristes, deseáis ser amables y generosos. Cuando todo esto comience a sucederos, estáis en camino hacia la santidad.

quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2010

Nova evangelização: Um desafio pastoral

Bom texto do Sr Cardeal Patriarca de Lisboa sobre a necessidade de uma nova evangelização como consequência de uma conversão de vida interior, aqui.

terça-feira, 7 de setembro de 2010

O exemplo é o maior apostolado

São Francisco de Assis dizia, “Vão e prediquem o Evangelho a todas as nações, e se o necessitam, usem palavras!” Pensem nisto. Ele nos diz que prediquemos com nossas ações.

Jim Caviezel- Entrevista

Aversão ao pecado

If you are looking for an easy life, the Catholic faith isn't it. At least make a choice. If the Catholic life isn't for you, then hey, go - do something else - that's your choice. But if you're gonna say you are Catholic - live it. Live your life. That's what we need. We need warriors. We need saints on this earth right now. We need them so badly - we need people that turn their backs on sin.

Jim Caviezel- Entrevista

Rezar sempre

If you just begin your day on your knees, end your day on your knees - that's a lot right there. As you're coming into the light, you thank God, you get right, you say, 'God, forgive me of my sins,' Say the "Our Father." Say the "Hail Mary" and pray for the day-'God, shine through my actions,' and the light comes in. As the evening ends and the darkness comes, before you go to bed at night, you pray 'God, please be with me, God be with me, Holy Spirit fill me, Jesus love me.
And you pray again because you are going into the darkness. And that He will be with you in your dreams. Let God pierce that darkness, pierce the devil. He is with you all the time, every day.


If I choose not to give my day to God, you don't know if you're going to be taken that day. I've had plenty of friends who didn't know they were going to die the day they died. A good, good friend of mine died when he'd just turned 18. He had a whole life ahead of him. You don't know when, the time nor the hour. It's important.

Jim Caviezel- Entrevista

Lutar e recomeçar

The joy of God is in obedience. ... We have to pay our consequences, they're there, but the joy [is there], because we know we will see God, and we know He loves us, beyond anything, and God loves us all. ...

That right there is the greatest thing - that even when you fall, it's about getting up again. We're sinners, but you've got to get up. God knows what you've been through; He's been through it. But you've just got to get up again. When the devil says, 'Hey, see I got you, you're worthless.' You're not. You've got to get up again and that's what we've got to do. We've got to keep trying. And eventually we'll be there in heaven.

Jim Caviezel Entrevista

A nossa vida pode levar pessoas para o Céu

There are good and there are bad in this world. But our job is not to figure that out. We just know who we are and try to take as many people we can to Heaven by how we live our life.
Jim Caviezel- Entrevista

Reflectir a luz de Cristo

The point I'm trying to make is that you go to church on Sunday.
But the real Christ is out there in your life every day, whether it be the guy you help on the street, how you live your life, and your countenance that makes people want to be you.
And that comes with suffering, and part of that suffering is what draws others into it.
It shines a light upon them [and] it's a part of the persecution that [Jesus] underwent as well.

Jim Caviezel- Entrevista


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