terça-feira, 7 de setembro de 2010

Rezar sempre

If you just begin your day on your knees, end your day on your knees - that's a lot right there. As you're coming into the light, you thank God, you get right, you say, 'God, forgive me of my sins,' Say the "Our Father." Say the "Hail Mary" and pray for the day-'God, shine through my actions,' and the light comes in. As the evening ends and the darkness comes, before you go to bed at night, you pray 'God, please be with me, God be with me, Holy Spirit fill me, Jesus love me.
And you pray again because you are going into the darkness. And that He will be with you in your dreams. Let God pierce that darkness, pierce the devil. He is with you all the time, every day.


If I choose not to give my day to God, you don't know if you're going to be taken that day. I've had plenty of friends who didn't know they were going to die the day they died. A good, good friend of mine died when he'd just turned 18. He had a whole life ahead of him. You don't know when, the time nor the hour. It's important.

Jim Caviezel- Entrevista

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