Is it difficult to be chaste?
Of course!
God made us with sexual desires that sometimes feel like the fireworks of 4th of July going off inside us. Does that mean you have to lose all passion if you live a chaste lifestyle? Heck no! The world around us says, “Well, you’re an animal, go indulge in those sexual desires however you please.”
That’s like telling hungry people to gorge themselves with as much candy and syrup as possible. Buddy the Elf could would like that, be we would get sick to our stomachs after a while.
Reminds me of the scripture that says, “They promise them freedom, though they themselves are slaves of corruption, for a person is a slave of whatever overcomes him” (2 Peter 2:19).
But what’s our other option? Do we have to become stoic puritans and shove our desires deep down inside, pretending we don’t have any? Of course not! That’s like telling a hungry person to starve. There is another way, a perfect way.
Our passions and desires can be used for evil or for good, for Hell or for Heaven, for selfishness or for selflessness, for sin or with virtue.
It’s very easy to use our passions of ANGER, PRIDE and LUST however we want. But is this Christian? Of course not.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) says, “Emotions and feelings can be taken up into the virtues or perverted by the vices” (1768). It is much more difficult to have self-control with our passions, especially when someone cuts you off in traffic and you want to be ANGRY, or when someone criticizes you and you want to retort back with sarcastic PRIDE, or you are in the passion of the moment with someone you’re attracted to and are tempted to LUST. Our religion is not one that tells us to do whatever we want, but challenges us to die to ourselves, so we may rise with Christ (see Gal 2:20). Patience, humility, and love are difficult, but Heaven is worth it.
We have a choice. Our feelings, emotions, passions and desires can either dominate and have power over us (which is called “slavery to sin,” because we aren’t actually free to choose love and good),
OR we can have power over them (which is called “slavery to righteousness”).
The GOOD NEWS is that it IS possible. I know this myself, since from 8th grade I made a decision never to get drunk or have sex, and now am 27-years old and have stuck to these things. I DID NOT do this on my own. Only by the grace of God, through prayer, and through accountability of community, have my desires been transformed (and are still be transformed). Saying “no” to PRIDE, I am able to grow in humility. Saying “no” to ANGER, I am able to grow in patience. Saying “no” to LUST, I am able to grow in love. All your “no’s” allow you to say even greater “YES’s!” With God, ALL things are possible, even our corrupted desires becoming holy and new! If you’ve made A LOT of mistakes in your past, know it’s possible to be made new in Christ and start saying “Yes” to Him!
Be passionate for God. Long for Him alone. “Delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart’s desires” (Psalm 37:4).
Jackie François
O mundo tem uma parte visível que tem a ver com a nossa vida exterior e outra interior, os nossos pensamentos, a nossa relação interior com o outro mas também com o que não vemos. Este blog pretende ser um armazém de pensamentos e considerações de natureza católica sobre aquilo que não se vê, mas pode-se ver, se quisermos
sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2011
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- O valor da mortificação
- Transbordar Deus
- A oração não nos impede de viver
- Sobre a dificuldade em viver a castidade
- O jejum no advento
- O Pai Nosso, segundo o Padre Tolentino
- Santificar o mundo
- Bispo do Algarve alerta para necessidade de viver ...
- Ai daqueles que nas suas camas intentam a iniquidade
- O advento de Alfred Delp
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